When you enter into a relationship, all you say to your spouse is that 'I love you so much'. When you love a person so much, you are willing to do anything for them; to make them happy. However, some time down the line the words 'I love you so much' tend to disappear if not fade away. This is mainly because reality has set in and life has to go on as usual. Many think that falling in love will happen like a fairy tale but, reality states otherwise. This is not to say that marriage or any other commitment cannot be totally blissful but, it is to suggest that a lot needs to be done for couples to reach this stage. Love is a treasure that needs to be safeguarded. This is the attitude that you are supposed to enter with in any relationship. Love is a beautiful thing but, some give it an ugly face.
Love You So Much
Love You So Much
Love You So Much
Love You So Much
Love You So Much
Love You So Much
Love You So Much
Love You So Much